Sizergh Castle

Sizergh Castle ont he edge of the Lake District
The old purpose built Castle was amazing.
The entrance up the stairs was warm and welcoming.
The old Parts of the castle were amazing.
The veiws were impressive through the old windows as well.
This place was just there to enjoy but the dark light inside made the picture difficult.
Outside, the light was great the gradenwere great as well. but it was the end of long day, 
And Jennifer was tied due tot he driving
But what a place to explore.

I noticed these massive gateposts, WOW
The Rock Garden was about to burst.

Housesteads Roman Fort - Hadrian's Wall

Housesteads Roman Fort - Hadrian's Wall, this was a Calvary Fort on a hill.
Yah, On the hill 1/2 Mile away from the Car park and it was heavy rain.
So Off I went on my own and the camera left behind. I didn't want to get it too wet.
As I got closer and people coming back were happy and the kids crying because of the rain.
But once up on the Hill and into the fort
Wow I was walking in History.

In the Museum on the hill I found a Temple Offering Stand.
I had studied these my course.
But the views between the showers was vast.

Birdoswald Fort - Hadrians Wall

Hadrian's wall has always been a target for Jennifer and myself to get to.
So this was on Day one of this trip.
Birdoswald Fort is the highlight as I have been studing a course from Newcastle university.
And the fort was it's focus.
First the wall.
 Hadrians wall at Birdoswald Fort.
Notice how straight it is over the 100+ metresseen.
They were master biulders and wall had to took them many years to complete
This segment is looking east from Birdoswald Fort.
 IT has seen some repair over the years and in some places been reverged
for build materals for home and churches neearby. 
 The fort at it's hight was occupyed by as many as a thousand men 
With ere families living near and the merchants that worked with the army.
 Much of the above stonework has gone over the years.
But you can still make out houses and fortifications.
 But for me it was htedigggings that the universtiy had made.
 They reveal that there is a lot under ground as well.

 Birdoswald Fort is smaller then it use to be becuase the 
 locel river is inching it way closer.
But in recent years National Trust has been planting trees
to prevent the erosion creep.
Still grate site to explore and learn more.

Banks East Turret - Hadrian's Wall

Finally Stop we're at Hadrian's Wall.
 This was just a Turret and the first view of the wall.
I even got to chance to  walk on the wall.
But what a view.
Looking south had a great view, 
looking north was a paddocks with more lambs.

Lanercost Priory

Third Stop, Lanercost Priory.
This was the First stop on Hadrians Wall
This old Priory was great building at one time, but time has not been it's friend.
I love the way the tree was ready to bloom
Exploring it made Jennifer fell creepy.
 So it was a quick tour and on our way again.
It must have  Impressive building in it hayday.

 Strange was a Tomb for a child.
 But I still went back to the tree.

Penrith Castle

 Penrith Castle, Site two on the tour up north.
This beautiful old Castle ruin is all red block.
Great to see the Castle, but it needed more  details.
Learning that English Heritage management but that was it.
 So we walked around and kept on moving north