Birdoswald Fort - Hadrians Wall

Hadrian's wall has always been a target for Jennifer and myself to get to.
So this was on Day one of this trip.
Birdoswald Fort is the highlight as I have been studing a course from Newcastle university.
And the fort was it's focus.
First the wall.
 Hadrians wall at Birdoswald Fort.
Notice how straight it is over the 100+ metresseen.
They were master biulders and wall had to took them many years to complete
This segment is looking east from Birdoswald Fort.
 IT has seen some repair over the years and in some places been reverged
for build materals for home and churches neearby. 
 The fort at it's hight was occupyed by as many as a thousand men 
With ere families living near and the merchants that worked with the army.
 Much of the above stonework has gone over the years.
But you can still make out houses and fortifications.
 But for me it was htedigggings that the universtiy had made.
 They reveal that there is a lot under ground as well.

 Birdoswald Fort is smaller then it use to be becuase the 
 locel river is inching it way closer.
But in recent years National Trust has been planting trees
to prevent the erosion creep.
Still grate site to explore and learn more.