Dartmoor National Park - Horses

Part of the Dartmoor Trip was to see the rare Dartmoor Horse
As we entered the hill just past Poundsgate, we came across this herd.
Right next to the card park, about 30 of the grazing in the meadow, 
and around another 60 in the gorse 
Likely for me, I'm a country kids so I got out and walked about them taking pictures
I got close to a few of them, but one white one did not like me so she tried to bite me. 
but I stopped the anger in her early.
Most just kept an eye on me and snorted if I got to close.
many were in foal so they didn't want to move far.
So generally a WOW moment.
There is no more iconic sight on Dartmoor than a herd of ponies grazing together, with stunning, majestic Dartmoor as their backdrop. They have been here a long time, hoof prints found on Dartmoor during an archaeological dig were found to be 3,500 yrs old!
Written records of ponies on the moor go back as far as AD1012, and in the mid 1800s ponies were used to transport granite from the moorland quarries.

In 1950 there were around 30,000 ponies on the moor, now we only have approximately 1500, and only a small proportion of these are the pedigree Dartmoor Ponies.