Motisford House

Motisford crept in view like a small cottage around the corner
but the corner kept on getting bigger
Finally there view came into view.
This is large house tucked away in the Test valley
The House is surprising large but was still a home. 
The gardens are special  with beautiful trees
The Walled Gardens were in the process being built. 
The pathways were well maintained.
Jennifer and I found a Robin sing in the bushes.
The views were of a quiet countryside.
Only a village was just beyond the trees.
Inside the house after some food.
The house was setup as in the 1910's
This was a house based around abbey.
So a conversion done in the 1800's
The servant quarters were intersting
Crocodile and all.
Underneath of course was still the Abbey, used for storage in the house.
On the way out we crossed the Test stream 
A great way to end a visit.