Chester Round Two

Finally, for the Day, we got to Chester.
The first time was a quick in and out to check out the walls.
This time to check out the town.
So we parked the car and walked into the town

Once in the Town, we got to see the Tutor store Chester is Famous for.
It was very crowded with Tourists
after a quick look into  town, we went to the Cathedral
With its large brown stone corrindors
The peace gardens were quiet
This was large Catherdral it was bigger on the inside than the outside.
Most of the Windows were still intact.
The walls still had Mosiacs on them.
The cloister now a cafe.
The ceiling was restored wood  done in the 1890s

We got the priviliage of being able to listen to boys choir singing and it was beautiful.
Once again outside we got to see the entire building.
Ageing with time.
Back into the street, we started looking for Dinner
And we found most places were full of tourists.
So we had dinner out of town and went to the movies.