Trip to Dubbo to see the kids

We decide late mid july to go see Lissa when  it was Evelyn birthday. We love giving surprises so we didn't tell Lissa.
Of Course she was in shock when we did turn up. And Evelyn & Jakob were in Syndey for the weekend.

But Jakob came home little early so the Evelyn could be with us. And the surprise for us was Magus was just starting to walk.

I had to work remotely but I got a chnace to take Evelyn out to a pick late in the week.

She showed me she could climb up high and then said, she couldn't get down.......... SO Granddad had to climb too.

We then went to the Mall for Sushi, Evelyn loves Sushi, pity neither her Mum or Dad like it.

It was fun day as we went out to McDonalds for Dinner that night too.

Magnus showed he could climb now and his Dad had to go get him.

Evelyn was taught how to put horrble faces as well.

Overall a good night for all.