West Ham Cemetery round two.

Well Saturday came so off I went to West Ham cemetery to find more Etherton ancestors. 
I got there at 10am and started with Alice and John Gunn (GGrandfather and mother). It was nice sunny day but cold and never got over 3 degrees. 

West Ham cemetery has 180,000+ people buried in its 22 acres but there are only 16,000 graves where 60% is now bare ground with no markings and 30% of the stone you can't read. So David Harbott did very well in finding Alice and John's grave out of all of this.

Charlotte and Alfred Gunn although they look related I have not found the proof for this link yet. 

The rest of these images are the Harbott line. Starting with Mary Pannifer Harbott (Gunn).

This is all that remains of the possibility of George Robert Etherton but I was unable to turn the stone over to read. This was going to cost money.

This is the Tower of All Hallows Staining where George Robert Etherton and Mildred Wood got married in 1858. The tower is all that remains for the church.

I am now getting to know London well enough that I don't need a map and recognise land marks like Saint Paul's at the end of Cannon Street.

Week 8 - Last one before Jennifer gets here.

Ok this week started on Sunday.
I went to Clapham for Stake Conference at Church. 
They are one small Stake, Only about 300 Attended.
After that I decided I was going to walk back home, it was cold and wet, but I needed to clear my head.

 Walked into the Carribean Market in Brixton
I timed it well as it was pouring down outside. 
A strange market with tropical flaours everywhere.
 Then onto Camberwell before bolting through Peckham home.
On Monday I felt sick so Stayed at home.
 On Tuesday I went down tot he Thames. Greenpeace was in Town with speaks going so all knew they were there. 
 On Wednesday, I decided to go to Camden Market.
This is a Market I think Jennifer would love to go to.
 It was fresh and open and plenty of cloths shops.
 Even the Art is good.
 On the way back I found that the ceremonial lighting for the Fire Fight Memorial was being held.
So I stayed.
 The last Post and speaches
  While HRH Princess Ann  was in attendance, Security was tight but not many of the public were there in the cold.
 But the lighting made it all so much better.
 I got to see the globe Theater all lite up as well.
 On Thursday I botled to Greenwich Again, where I found Sayes Court Street
SAYCE is not a rare name is these parts.
 Greenwich is a massive centre and all on show.
I have to take Jennifer.
I also found this little church in Deptford.
Friday was back to East Street to buy supplies for the weekend.
Roll on Saturday
The Job Hunting get tougher not easier as the economy starts to bite with Briext.

Saturday Out into the Taylor - Etherton Past.

Saturday was upon me, and the weather looked good, Cold but no rain.
(Mistake, I didn't take a picture of the two of us together)
But we had agreed to me in Stratford at St Mary's at 11:00, as he was coming down by train.
I arrived very early, so I went ot find St Matthews Church, This is where Pearl and Timothy got Married. I also had been told to just knock on the door to find the rector. He was there but pearl had been a regular before the wedding Timothy had not. So no new data. It is still an active Church.
back to St Marys in Startford, typical Church Yard, Most of the gravestones have been removed and it turned into park.
David turned up a little after me and saw someone taking pictures of what gravestones were there. He assume right it would be me. We quickly set up to find Eve road. The first street of Interest, issue we forgot to record what number. So No Pictures. Then off to Forestgate by bus to check out the church there, this is where the Harbott's got married, Pearl's Aunty. 
Then is stride we headed for the West Ham Cemetery. It didn't take us long. Once there we made Beeline for the Major gravestone. David knew vaguely where it was as he had found it a few years before.

 Lying down was the gravestone for Alice Pannfier (GUNN), Her Husband John GUNN and two others.
it reads: "In Affectionate Remembrance of Alice beloved wife of John Gunn who departed this life August 25th 1873.
Also of John Albert Gunn son of the above who departed this life July 13th 1866 aged 1 year and 7 months.
Loved in life for her cherished virtues as a wife and as a mother she is lamented in death by those from whom she was suddenly taken.
And of the above named John Gunn who departed this life Nov 8 1884 aged 57 years"

There is also a final inscription which is not clear, but appears to reference ‘John Gunn aged 1 yr 2 months’.

David has since found the birth and death of John Gunn in the GRO registers (Sept 1886 & Sept 1887), the first son of Walter Edward Gunn and grandson of John & Alice. I believe this is the last burial recorded in this grave.

 We also found Mary Pannifer Harbott and Alfred Harbott grave.

 But find Graves in this place is hard, 180000 are interned with only 20000 graves, of these more then 40% are bear and another 30% unreadable. Makes hunting for graves hard.
 We found 9 Elarnor Raod as well. Pearl and Timothy lived here a short while before moving to springfield drive.

 Then 128 Chandos Road was found as well. (the census was for 130, but this does not exist anymore)
We then headed back to Stratford to chat and catch up on Geneology and family events.
David left about 2:30pm to make his way back home to his mum who is still alive.
I took the oppuntity to go to the Whitechapel Road Market 
This market is middle eastern and Camera's are not liked. 
Surprisingly it is right across the road from the East London Mosque. 
A walk home to view the light.

Another week in London.

Well another week of looking for work in London
This week after the search I went for a walk, along the Thames Path.
then on Monday
   North to St Pancras and  Kings Cross.
9 3/4 is at Kings Cross Station, where you can have a photo taken.
But you have to wait for over an hour to have yours taken. and it costs.
I then walked home through London.
It gets dark by 16:00 now, but the lights are good.
And on Tuesday.
 I walked to Peckham and the church called St Giles of Camberwell.
 I then went walking onto Kennington where I found an old Monument to the honoured Civilian war dead. Where I found my Grandfathers Day.
 I then walked across Lambeth bridge and Vauxhall bridge.
Onto the Thames path to walk home.
Then On Wednesday I headed for Whitehall again.
Along the Embankment to Big Ben
Across to  Parliament Square
and Passed Jewel Tower before heading Home.
Thursday I had a job interview in Reading.
So I walked to Paddington.
 Up passed the Mall
 The Bomer Command Memorial, and onto a train to Reading
 reading I found to be a nice small town. That has some history
 Streets full of bikes as well. But it was Dark by the time I got back to London
 But Big Ben is still just as Magnificient in the dark.
 I got this over Westminister Bridge
But it was Cold.
Friday came and went. No Photo's but I went to Borough and East Street Markets to get produce for the weekend.