Time to slow down on a walk across London.

Thursday had been a quiet day with only 3 calls Connecting in the job search. So disappointing.
But I needed to walk and stretch my legs again.
 Well I walked up Strand, Passed Trafalgar Square, and through the Arch and passed Horse Guard Road into St James Park.
 I like this park as it has a lot of Birds.
 Like rare Snow Geese, and plenty of Egyptian Geese.
And some I still haven't found the names for. 
At the end of St James Park is Buckingham Palace
 With the Queen Victoria Memorial.
But the target today was an event that is not on the tour guides much.
At the Household Guards, they withdraw the Horse and Guards at 16:00 each day.
 The Horse are beautiful. and well behaved.
The guards first lineup  
Then the Horse guards Line up.
 Oh and Police with REAL guns are watching all the Tourists.
Then they are inspected.
One guard failed inspection and the officer in charge was not happy with him.
 Then I had to Bold home and the temperature was dropping fast.
And the city lights up very fast.
 Pass Borough Markets where they were selling French Mushrooms cheap for risotto's
They looked so good. 
 But it was Tower Bridge Again. When I see her, and cross her road I know I have 20 minutes to walk to my room.