Time Out to Walk the Regents Canal

 Well, Wednesday came and although the job market is tough to back, I took some time out.
So I walked to The Regent Canal in Islington just as the tunnel comes out.
 Just up the road it's called Little Venice.
It was bright and sunny and I needed to speed some time walking.
Stress seems to float away when I'm walking.
Most of the Barges are old, but hey are generally well kept. 
Yes, people live in them. 
Accommodation is so short in London they live all year in them
I came across one being moved and working it way through a LOCK. I sat a watched the process.
IT amazing you read about it, but watching it happen, reinforces all you know. 
First you move the Barge into the Lock.
Shut the Lock behind it.
Then Open the valve to let the water in.
Slowly the Barge goes up, Easy.
It a slow boring process.
Most of the Canal is Barges Parked and Coucil controls them tightly.
No toilet waste allowed in the Canal. They must be moved every 28 Days.
and they must not put anything onshore but ropes.
But the are Nice to see. 

I walked the length of the Canal from the Islington Tunnel to Old Ford Locks at Victoria Park. 
(Had to stop for 30 Minutes for an interview on the Phone).
Visited Victoria Park Quickly.
This is park I'd like to visit again when it is not COLD.
 I found St James the Lessor.
It appears to have been rebuilt lately. But this is where Jennifers Line and Mine came through.
I walked to where Alma and Cranbrook Road use to be. 
Quickly walked through Bethnal Green and made for a Warm Home
But he Night decends here fast
But Tower Bridge looks Grand whatever time of the Day.