Easter Weekend - Day 2 - Part 1

Saturday started off with us on the road at first light. We went up to Aylesbury, arriving at the old market at 8:30, Target was the Lion Pub, it was old, and gave very little access. Alright it was early in the morning
The streets were old not over attractive.
So then the drive to Stratford on Avon. The drive was across the country trying to avoid (M) highways. We have been doing a Shakespeare's World Course, this is where we walked the Shakespeare Walk, Place of birth to his new house and Trinity Church to see where The Shakespeare Family is Buried. Right in the heart of the Chapel, in pride of place. So when we got there is something special,  but parking was the first obstacle, so once that was over, we head for the birthplace trust.
 First, we passed the sculpture of him that we see in the video's from the Course
 Artwork that showed the Plays and Poetry
 The house he was born in
 The room he was born in
 The gloves he father would make
 The family dinner Table
 Shakespear Bust in window over looking the High Street.
 The view from window of High Street

 The backyard of the house
 The front of the house with his father shop on the right.
 After that visit we headed to the new house site.
 Checking out the Town on the way
Including chambers for the businessman
 The Old beam that was still of the other House
 The sculpture of Shakespeares Mind.
 Jennifer got sit in the seat where Shakespear would have been
Head of the house
 The Garden of the house
And then onto the Shakespeares Daughters Place.
The home of Dr John Hall.
This Home was on display as it would have been when they lived there.
I got to spend some time in the garden and relax.
But then it was off to the Trinity Church.
 The Trinity Church was a major church structure
 The Windows were great but paying to see Shakespeares grave in the church
 But there they were, all his family buried in the church at the front. 
We got to realise the Shakespeare was superstar in his day. 
But it was now late afternoon and we headed to the Cotsworlds.