Day out at Winsdor with Liz.

It was a fine and clear Saturday, We had arranged to meet Adrian and Liz outstide Windsor Castle at 10:00am For us it is a walk down past Eton in Windsor
Eton looking gleaming the morning as we walk along the road.
The Chapel is immense as it overshadows the school.
Spring is here and we even spotted a swan nesting in the ponds of Eton.
Outside Queen Vic, Liz and Adrian both turned 
We went into the Castle as soon as possible
as usual they No photo's inside the Castle unless you know how to take them.
The roof as very beautiful. 
Painted or plastered.

Outside was a Jaguar rally, this caught the eye of Adrian.
But we were moved on.
The door handles of the newlt renovated area were very special as well.
Rose and Dragons.

The roof of great hall I can llok at for hours.
Once Outside the gardens were coming into bloom.

The Chapel of St George had been cleaned for the St Georges Day.

Liz and Adrian both enjoyed the look around.
We even were able to show them the 16th Century building out the back.
After the Castle we went to show them the long walk. 
But when we got there, The Jaguars were on display.
Adrian was enjoying himself.
We walked along checked out the Jaguars.
Windsor Castle is and Impressive Home whichever way you look at it.
After that we took a short walk around Eton Streets.
In the end it was great day.