Quiet Day Relaxing

Due to the stress we have been in for the last 3 weeks, Jennifer marking exam's and Stephan working on the Cyber Attack recovery. It was time to relax and have some time together.
So we went for a stroll to Eton and Windsor
 Summer is almost here and the gardens of Eton are looking good
 The swans are eating the duck week as fast as it can grow.
 ETon at 8:00 in the morning was very quiet and looked great in the morning sun.
We found a Bistro down by the river on the Eton sode that was reasonably Priced 
 Eggs Benedict for Jennifer, And a French Breakfast for me.
Both were superb
With a View of the  river with the Swans was just settling for the nerves.
 The Sans are in full Plumage with a lot of this year brood now fully feathered.
We then set off walking around windsor and enjoyed the Morris Dancers
that were dancing to raise funds for charities.
In Spring and Summer, Windsor really comes to life, there are lots of Tourist so in gets crowded.
So by late morning, we decided to get out of there.
Wehn we got back, we were reminded we had a Ward picnic to go to.
A chance for the English to show they can do a BBQ
It was good attempt, NO Prawns or Steaks and not enough seats.
But great company and plenty of Sun.
Yes SUN, England can get into the low 30's.