Off to see the Queen.

Saturday at last, and the Queens State room were open, so we had a wish to see something only open a few weeks a year.
These rooms are only for quests but open to the public only 2 weeks of the year.
We took of early to get to them to beat the queues, with being there so early we got in on the 09:45 session.
The queen was even Home. and not at Windsor.
We had time to admire the front gate of Buckingham Palace
They were so detailed.
Not your normal gates of course.
I even got to admire the Queen Victoria Monument without he crowds.
We got there on time But NO PHOTO's inside again. :-(
So off we went admiring the Staterooms and beautiful surrounds, the Art works and Rooms we magnificent But once outside int the gardens
The back of the Place is not something you see in the tourist brouchures
But they are just as grand.
We stopped an had something to eat, a Banana in the Place Gardens. 
And no we didn't see the queen, she was sleeping in.
But we got to see her home.
 The place of the Garden Parties.
After this it was off to the Royal Mews of Course.
 I was dissapointed here, No Horse, They all go on Holiday in August
And the Cars go to Rolls Royce for annual maintanence.
 But the carriages were in beautiful condition.

Even the Tackle was on Show.
 But the jewel is the coronation Carriage with it fine
carved scene of kings Neptune and Loins.

After the Mews it was up Piccadilly , Where we had  CAKE.

 Down to the Horse Gaurds in their Summer Uniform.

 They looked so young.
 But the horse was very attentive.
Then passed Westminster
Listening to Bagpipes
 And other great Monuments.