Ghent p1

Ghent, Belgium
Day Four of Belgium Tour
This was a town in Belgium that the Germans got out quick and left almost alone.
Just as well, it is a WOW town.
A few to many churches.
But most of them closed.
The canals looked dirty. And it was cold.
some had very tall towers.
The Hotels were built in the early 1800's
But the Saint Bavo's Catheral was the target
This is the famous church made famous due to e painting
Simply put, it is the "Ghent Alter Piece"
The movie the "Monument Men" was filmed here.
One of the orginal men lost his life here defending the Alter Piece.
SO the church of Course has an exhibition.
We were able to take pictures of the Alter Piece.
It was very nice cathedral
down stiars was an exhibition of the 
Different clergy robes and some of the restored walls 
It shows that at one point the church was very colourfull place.