Thursday, September 28, 2017

ONE year in the UK

Well it's been one year since I have been in the UK. On arrival I was exhausted, and need support, and Liz and her Family stepped into help. It is much appreciated for their Help.
Once in London, It was chance explorer and hunt for a job. 
The exploring was very successful and I got in live in London although I had to wait for 4 Months before I finally got a Job.
Jennifer was to arrive end of November, and spend 2 months in London
During that time we got to see over 100 Attractions and locations.
At the start Feb 2017 we moved from London to Slough.
This was to become home.
Even though we had No Car, that did stop us traveling across the south of England.
In all in the first year in England we got to see so much. with over 150 Blog entries.
Now at the start of the Second year we have a car, we plan to do a lot more.
Roll ON Year TWO.

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