
 The Day Started off all bright and No sign of more snow. Yes London got a light dusting of snow

This is Bermondsey where we live, quiet in the morning.

 But Snow was at the Station to chnage trains.

 When we got to Dover there was little bit of snow around, but not much. But we got to watch this port for a little bit as we walked up to see the ciffs. This is one busy Port, we watch fort ferry pull in out in under 15 minutes, and they take about 10 Minute to turn around. Wellington ferrys have a lot to learn from this port.

The Dover Castle was looking magnificent, but we decided we didn;t have the time or the money to visit it.
But it was the White Cliff of Dover we had come to see.
More the cold white cliffs. we came, we saw and headed for something warmer. 
The trip back we got to see a lot more of Sussex.