Beatrix Potters Home - Hilltop

Once we Crosse the ferry across the lake we went off to Beatrix Potters Home called Hilltop. 
The beautifullvillage in the heart of the Lake disctrict is a Mecca for Beatrix Potter Fans.
So we made sure we were there early in and arrived soon after it had arrived.
So still had to wait an hour before we could go through the house.

This gave us a chnace to explore the village
Like the house of miss Kitty
The Mailbox Peter Rabbit used to post letters
The Liitel store is now a Home
The home of Mr Gregor
Many of the homes she also used.
The sigbn was to warn drivers that this was Beatrix Potter area 
and watch out for day dreaming tourist that weren't watching what they were doing
 So wewhead to the house, the smae as the kittens had done.

Jennifer even warmed herself up by the same fireplace

Throughout the house was little drawing that she had made that went into her books.
This was her Main room for guests and it made her look like a old local.
With Drawing from her Father.
Obvously where her passion came from
With views of the local village

Upstiar was where she worked.
And slept.
She was a strange lady that loved the lake district and the people of this area owe her so much.
She was a very wealthy Woman that had the means to protect what she loved.