Parliament House - Westminster

Parliament House - Westminster
This required a booking the weeks in advance.
Tickets were booked and plans made.
So we got ont he train and headed for Victoria station
We got in early so we walked around St James Park.
Where we enjoyed the sights of Buckingham Palace
And the rare birds in St James Park.
We cut through the Household Guard to Whitehall
Where their are magnificent doors
Where we watched a film being made set in early port war England.
Something to do with Attlee's win in the 1945 elections.
The cars being used were beautifully restored.
Once in Parliament Square, I got to shot pictures of the Statues.
Westminster Abbey was looking great in the bright blue sky.
Outside Parliament 
Cromwell was standing tall
Once Inside, NO PHOTO's unless Approved.
So it was the Great chapel
And of course the  the only Photo's were from Westminster Hall to the Lobby.
It was well worth the cost and the Time
When we came out, we wanted Lunch
Portabello Road Called.