Anglsey Abbey (Lord Fairhaven)

 Lord Fairhaven pruchased this place in the 1890's
as a small retreat, but ended up using it as his summer home in England.
Plant magnificent rows of trees in his garden
using an old Canal to power his own mill
But still making it part of his own garden
a typical filly as the english call it.
Large statues from marble
and bronzes
some stuck high in vista's
Some almost comical.
Once isside the house which was dark as usual.
We got to see his collections.

Painting, Statues, Clocks
He was a great collector of fine art.
We got to his Libaray, this was large gentlemans library
and he spent a lot of time there
But on the wall was a Constable
yes, and orginal John Constable
called the "Opening on Waterloo Bridge"
it was on loan from the Tate for filming purposes
The house itself was grand for a man and his wife.
he made additions as his collection grew.

His wife loves the formal gardens which also still exist today.
Great place to visit.