Boxing Day in the Oxford and the Cotsworlds

After Christmas with the Kings, we needed to get out and walk to easy the food consumed at Christmas Dinner. So we decided to explore Oxford, being Boxing Day, we knew some things would be closed. But we went to see Oxford to see History.
After walking around the streets we finally got to Church College.
 The building architecture was beautiful.
 The detail in the Building was still intact as well.
 And inside it was repeated. I was just stunned by how old 
the building was and the history is rich.
 But we found the Great Hall from the Harry Potter Movies.
And Jennifer found the Window with the Alice in Wonderland figures.  
 The college has had some many movies filmed there so walking around
 so like walk around on Set.
 but we found the Church College Chapel.
and we were able to take pictures.

 So off we went to Cotswold to find a village called Burford 
 This village is a tourist trap. but what a tourist trap. a village from the 1700's
 this was a very cute village with NO big stores just a cute little village, one to remember.
the drive home was beautiful as well as we went to the Cotswolds.