Day 6 - Hyde Park Area

As Day 5 was a day of rest and we needed it, we went to church.
So Day 6 arrived and Hyde Park Area was the target
First was the Royal Albert Hall

This is a beautiful building but inside was the target, when we got there we found out that at No extra cost, we could upgrade to Back Stage tour. This is working Hall with different gigs being shown 4 times a week. The issue was the only tour of the day started at 2:00.
So we got the tickets and headed for Kensington Palace.
Passed Albert Memorial. 
 The Palace was open and most places we could take Photo's

 Jennifer of course, loved the costumes and clothes.
But for me, it was the architecture
and the gardens.
We came out and walked through Hyde Park
 Passed the French Watergardens
And Peter Pan Statue.
And onto Albert hall where we had a cake and Hot Chocolate.
Once into the Albert Hall, we could take picture of the front stage, but backstage was No Photo's again.
 The tour showed how they are trying to modernise it, but it is so old it will always be the small Albert, which is what the artists like.
After this we headed for Aspley House, ( Closed for Winter) so we went onto Wellington Arch.
inside were great painting like Butler's "Scotland for ever"
And once I was at the top I got to see more.
 The View towards Buckingham Palace
 Over the fence into Buckingham Palace
 Towards Hyde Park
 Wellington Memorial
 And the Paratroopers Memorial
 But it was the stairs down that also were impressive.
To finsh the day we went back to the Guard Museum, again ( No Photo's Allowed).
Another Long day completed.
Day 7 was to be easier.