The Long Way Home

In 5 weeks we visited the North of France by Road via Amsterdam, Scotland by Road, Austria via Munich, then we did the long way home via Rome and Hong Kong.
This was One Fanatastic Trip, way too much driving, but What a Trip.
One to Remember.

Hong Kong - Day Four - Relaxing Day

The View from the Hotel showed what Hong Kong is About.
Buildings and not much else.
Today we wanted to explore Hong Kong
So we hopped into a Ding Ding.
We relaxed and went
We rode past the big Building we saw the other day on the cruise
Todays Target was Man Mo Temple.
1800s temple featuring a lavish, traditional interior with dozens of incense spirals overhead.
We arrived at Mam Mo Temple.
and there weren't the crowds as expected
As the description stated
it placed full of Insense.
and Lots of it
After that went to the Conference Centre to see 
the site of the British handover
and found the place was not expected.
We found that the Mainland is manulating the story,
to modified history to suit themsleve.
Hong Kong is a busy City build
 on hardwork and enterprise.
The hotel view was exceptional. 
On the way to the Airport we passed the Port.
and we ended the day at the Airport.

Hong Kong - Day Three - Hong Kong East

The Hong Kong Temple was the primary
target for the trip.
This morning ours we were at the Hong Kong Temple
This was the Last Target and we hit the mark on all of them.
The Temple was different from others 
as it is s[pread across muiltple floors.
This waterfall was inside the Temple Gardens 
which was not visibale from the outside
this is all that the local know about the Temple.
After this we went back to the Hotel and chnaged.
Hong Kong markets were open and we wanted to explore them.
First was the Flower Market.
The Bird Market was next

After this long walk Jennfer to rest so we grabbed some food fromt he supermarket
We took the Ding Ding back to the Hotel
the Ding Ding are double deck Trams.
I had some shellfish that were freshly cooked.
and Jennifer had some fruit.
I went for swim in the pool at the Hotel.
The views from hotel was amazing at night.
A great way to Finish the Day.

Hong Kong - Day Two - Victoria peak and HK Harbour

OK first day in Hong Kong, we decided to go to Victoria Peak.
We caught the Ding Ding and got lost.
So we walked passed a cemetry
We walked past the HBSC bank
we eventually made it to Victroia Peak.
The views were obsecured by low cloud
But the views were still good.
The city below looked busy below
The harbour looked impressive and busy as well.
You could see all the dredges in the harbour working hard
and there was lots of them.
after the peak trip we headed to the Harbour.
and enjoyed a cruise.
This was one of the boats on the Harbour
The Conference Centre was the next place we wanted to go to.
the crusie was just going around large buildings.
in a Busy Harbor
After this we headed to market to explore.
Fish Markets
with all sorts
The Vege Market with just full off many different Vegetables.
The weather started to pour so we went back to the Hotel.
Another exhausting day.