Hong Kong - Day Three - Hong Kong East

The Hong Kong Temple was the primary
target for the trip.
This morning ours we were at the Hong Kong Temple
This was the Last Target and we hit the mark on all of them.
The Temple was different from others 
as it is s[pread across muiltple floors.
This waterfall was inside the Temple Gardens 
which was not visibale from the outside
this is all that the local know about the Temple.
After this we went back to the Hotel and chnaged.
Hong Kong markets were open and we wanted to explore them.
First was the Flower Market.
The Bird Market was next

After this long walk Jennfer to rest so we grabbed some food fromt he supermarket
We took the Ding Ding back to the Hotel
the Ding Ding are double deck Trams.
I had some shellfish that were freshly cooked.
and Jennifer had some fruit.
I went for swim in the pool at the Hotel.
The views from hotel was amazing at night.
A great way to Finish the Day.