Italy - Day Five - Road to Perugia

Perugia was the Target of the day.
So the plan was to stop on the Way at a Town called
So we took off early and made it there early in the morning.
First was to stop at the Basilica di San Vitale
This was an octagonal domed church known for its elaborate, richly colored Byzantine mosaics.
We were lucky and got a carpark right behind the building.
Surprisingly it was busy inside due to all the school groups.
This was an oddly shaped building.
While we waited, we went into a small chapel
 called the chapel of Saint Maria Maggiore
This was a small chapel built over 200 years ago.
The Basilica was easy to get to. And it looked normal
Once inside we looked up.
WOW, the tile work here was incredible.
And the floor work the same.
how they did it, we could just imagine the amount of work that went into it.
and the workmanship would  amazing
 the ceiling was all Tiles.
 The Mausoleum di Galla Placidia was next to the Basilica
 5th-century chapel built in the shape of a Latin cross, embellished with colorful Roman mosaics.
This is a chapel with a large Tomb in the middle to it.
This was still an amazing place.
 After this, we went for a walk around the town.
 We found other chapels
This the Baptismal of Neon.
 This was part of the Duomo o Basilica Ursiana
Again this was amazing
 We stopped for Lunch enjoying a Pizza and Blood Red Orange Juice
 The Drive to Perugia was long so we got there late afternoon.
this was the First Mountain Town we had gotten into.
The streets were very tight and finding parking was near impossible.

 The town was an interesting one.
we explored the local Basilica.
 This was an interesting Basilica
 Very fine detail everywhere.
it was placed to hide out of the rain.

after exiting the Basilica
we crossed the road to the hall of Notaries.
It is still a functioning hall.
Across the road was a museum of Art.
 A Gothic palazzo houses this collection of regional art & artifacts from the 13th to 19th century.
The painting was not what we expected.
but it was still a good museum
we could see from the windows the narrow streets we had to walk down to leave the Place.
 the streets were very tight
 The sculptures were good and the details very fine.
Once out there, we had dinner down the alley
Perugia is a mountain town and what view.
This was so impressive we decided we would see Assisi in the morning.
we were halfway through the Italy Holiday and it was proving to be the best Holiday for YEARS.