Italy - Day Ten - Rome

My Camera has Died.So photo's were through the Phone now.
Today was OLD Rome.
We had Tickets to go to the Colosseum
This place was organised Chaos
They push you through it so fast
The lighting and camera issue meant no Photo's
or some were lost.
But we enjoyed it.
From the Coloseum we went into OLD Forum area
And explored.
This was old monuments to great time of Rome.
Some we had to Wonder what they were there for.
For the View at the top showed it was exentsive,
So we spent many hours exploring.
Before we left to expore the rest of Rome.
Past past the Altar to the Fatherland.
I find it did look like a typewriter...
So we found the Trevi Fountain. we found it very crowded
we slipped in the church called Saint Vinceozo e Anastasio
Thsi little church is right next to the fountain and very few actually go in.
Outside I did the dash into the crowd get my Photos of the Fountian.
This was a great fountain.
We then set off for the Patheon, we found the fountain del Patheon
So we turned around and there was the Patheon.
So we went inside to see what was inside.
WOW the crowds were controled and the place was amazing.
So after that we set off for the Piazza Navona
But first we stopped at the fine italian Deli for Lunch.
We found the Piazza Navona
Explored and found the place very pleasant.
The fountiains weren't over crowded as well.
We stopped here for a Hot Choclate at a one of the Cafe's
After this we decided fidn the Spainish Steps.
We marched across the old part of Rome
and found the Spainish steps.
We looked and ecided we were too exhausted to Climb them.
but the Statue was interesting
we found an interesting Supermarket and bought some dinner.
 The next day, we took the Plane to Bangkok and then onto Hong Kong.