Italy - Day Seven - Pompei

Pompei was a Major target for Jennifer, Hence the Long drive south from Venice.
We ended up staying at a place called the hotel Migilo D'Oro Park.
The Hotel is in  Ercolano, so today we hoped on an old train and headed south to Pompei.
Once in Pompei, we explored. it was an easy long day.
The only disappointing thing for the day was the large numbers of Tourists.
This was a BIG site, and very little upkeep had been done.
This model showed just how big the City was.
This place gets thousands of Tourist a day through it.
each paying big-ticket costs. But there was very little staff maintaining it.
By late Afternoon we enjoyed a Pizza at a local stall.
 And we caught the train back
 So afterward Jennifer still needed to rest. So I went for a Walk.
this is Naples Back street, I was told would not be safe at night. and I sensed that too.
But this is Italy
Small Streets that are centuries old, still trying to wake up to modern life.
This I had to take I picture of.
Adaptor one. Itlay three pin into euro Two pin
Adaptor two: Euro Two pin into English three pin
Adaptor three: English three pin into Aussie three pin.
With lots of USB slots along the way.
This what kept us in power and charged up.
we were lucky we didn't blow a fuse.