Italy - Day Nine - Vatican

  Today's Target was the Vatican, St Peters Basilica and the Meusum.
So we found parking in an underground car park with a beautiful park.
We had pre-purchase tickets
The queus were horrible and the camera was playing up.
Once inside we got to see the Vatican Meusum.
there was Eyjption stuff there
Lots of it.
Beautifull courtyard.
in the Gardens were Iries again.
the floors were wonderfully tiled
and statues everywhere
ancient tombs of emporoer past.
large works of art we were not allowed to get close too.
Tiled floors we could walk on.
and Lots of Crowds
and Paintings everwhere
and numerous Halls displaying great paintings
and fantastic Ceilings
all of it was armslenght away
But the cielings were the impressive bit
I will always remember
there was also great paintings, some I have seen before
and others that we have not.
this was amodern one, and it depicted Chirst Prefectly.
We saw grand carages and Cars
Stain Glass windows that were painted by Masters
With very Fine Detail
And of Course got to see the Modona with Chris.
After seeing this we sliped back and cut through to into 
St Peters Basilica
WOW this is the heart of the Catholic Church
and WOW what a heart
Scuptures were fantastic
Painting that I have and seen before
St Peter's Tomb.
Scultures and Statints and Scene's
All looking perfect in there place.
Some were very old and Some only recent.
The size of the place was impressive
Guarded by the Swiss Guards
St Peters Square was crowded
Very Crowded
and Basiclia is the focal point of Rome. it lived up to it's names.
so we left exhausted and head back tot he car with
 the Castel of St'Angelo to visit on the way.
this is one of those places from the movies.
but it is actually pre-Vatican.
Lots of People look at the outside and leave.
we went inside, tickets weren't very expensive.
And the place looked interesting.
the castle is a castle and round Keep in the centre.
and this was impressive on it own.
There were wide steps.
and lots of them.
But the view at the top was of Ancient Rome.
The Vatican was close.
the Scuptures also in the movies
The Cafe was serving Hot choclate as well.
but it is a castle with an angel on top.
With Great Views
As we left, we got to see more of it.
It was at this point that my Camera started to Die.
(Later to find out it was the Lens that Died, 
after 14 years and 70 Thouands pictures. It decide to give up)
We went back tot he Hotel Exhausted, but with Smiles on our faces.