Venice was a 20-minute drive. We had been told that it doesn't come to life until 10:00 in the morning. so we left about 9:00
enjoyed cruising down the Grand Canal a second time
as it was Monday, it was busy with commercial traffic

And the Gondola's were still covered up.
but hey did look impressive
we went under the Rialto bridge again
First stop was the Gallerie Del Accademia
This place has a collection of beautiful artwork
and it was Beautiful

this one was my favorite. it was part of a larger masterpiece
this is just the detail in the below
but it was the artwork here that was special
big images
little ones.
this one was a De Vince
or the clay models of the horses
and once outside we set off for the St Marks Square again.
saw some piles being replaced
cut passed statues of unknown men.
and into St Marks Square
The queue for the basilica was open and crowds not so big.
Probably the rain was the cause.
Once inside the Basilica interior came into view, and WOW what a place.
All gold and decorations. This was a very nice building.
The tiles were made of gold and colored on top.
So here they and you get up close to them.

Outside on the roof, we got to hear the famous bell of St Marks come.
And get close to the horses that are copied now.
it was wet, but I could see the queue for the tower was miles long.
St Marks Square was filling up. The tourists were arriving.
Also in the upstairs museum are
some of the artwork Sculptures that would normally be outside.
there was a lot of stuff being kept save now.
and the details on it was very fine considering
it would have been very high and almost out of sight.
After we came back down from the museum, we had to cut through the cathedral again.
We then slipped around the corner to the Doge's Palace.
In the courtyard was his covered Gondola
We marched up the beautiful stairs
not a bad ceiling for the main entrance
Great panels were made on display.
Inside it was just as elaborate
Just the paintings were bolder.
Displays were limited
sometimes very limited
But it was the rooms and the ceilings that were impressive
Outside you could see the islands of Venice beyond
Inside there were some large tapertresies
The Palace rooms overlooked the courtyard be
After the Palace, we cut across the Square to the
Museo Correr.
There was some Furniture on display.
The statues of the different doges were that impressive
They had a collection of globes dating back ago way back.
There were paintings of the Coronations,
After this, we found the day was late so we
wanted to explore a bit more fo Venice.
The Gondola's were working the canals
and the sun was shining now.
And I got some of the best Pictures to remember.
The shop displays were fantastic.
The Canals plying their trade.
We decided to go to see one last small museum.
This one was House called the Cario Goldoni's House
Cario Goldoni was a powerful merchant
This house did have much to display
But the rooms and some of the contents.
The furniture was beautiful
the painting was impressive
And the View from the terrace was breathtaking over the Grand Canal.
Little did we know that Michael and Kym were in Venice.
So we set off after checking out the last of the paintings.
This one from Bernardo Strozzi was my Favorite of the Day.
So we caught up with Michael and Kym
The chances of being here at the same time would have been very unlikely but they were here at the same time and this was proof.
We enjoyed dinner by the Grand Canal.
The beautiful Gnocchi was my Favorite.
On the way Big to the Car after saying goodbye we stopped to make sure we had something to snack on tomorrow on the way to Perugia
as it was Monday, it was busy with commercial traffic
And the Gondola's were still covered up.
but hey did look impressive
we went under the Rialto bridge again
First stop was the Gallerie Del Accademia
This place has a collection of beautiful artwork
alter piece's and more
most from the grandmastersthis one was my favorite. it was part of a larger masterpiece
this is just the detail in the below
as was the little girl in the painting
this was what was on the ceiling.but it was the artwork here that was special
big images
little ones.
this one was a De Vince
or the clay models of the horses
and once outside we set off for the St Marks Square again.
saw some piles being replaced
cut passed statues of unknown men.
and into St Marks Square
The queue for the basilica was open and crowds not so big.
Probably the rain was the cause.
Once inside the Basilica interior came into view, and WOW what a place.
All gold and decorations. This was a very nice building.
The tiles were made of gold and colored on top.
There wasn't a space that wasn't covered.
It was fantastic to be able to see this.
Upstairs were the original horses and the weather damaging them.So here they and you get up close to them.
Outside on the roof, we got to hear the famous bell of St Marks come.
And get close to the horses that are copied now.
it was wet, but I could see the queue for the tower was miles long.
St Marks Square was filling up. The tourists were arriving.
Also in the upstairs museum are
some of the artwork Sculptures that would normally be outside.
there was a lot of stuff being kept save now.
and the details on it was very fine considering
it would have been very high and almost out of sight.
After we came back down from the museum, we had to cut through the cathedral again.
We then slipped around the corner to the Doge's Palace.
In the courtyard was his covered Gondola
We marched up the beautiful stairs
not a bad ceiling for the main entrance
Great panels were made on display.
Inside it was just as elaborate
Just the paintings were bolder.
Displays were limited
sometimes very limited
But it was the rooms and the ceilings that were impressive
Outside you could see the islands of Venice beyond
Inside there were some large tapertresies
The Palace rooms overlooked the courtyard be
After the Palace, we cut across the Square to the
Museo Correr.
There was some Furniture on display.
The statues of the different doges were that impressive
They had a collection of globes dating back ago way back.
There were paintings of the Coronations,
After this, we found the day was late so we
wanted to explore a bit more fo Venice.
and the sun was shining now.
And I got some of the best Pictures to remember.
The shop displays were fantastic.
The Canals plying their trade.
We decided to go to see one last small museum.
This one was House called the Cario Goldoni's House
Cario Goldoni was a powerful merchant
But the rooms and some of the contents.
The furniture was beautiful
the painting was impressive
And the View from the terrace was breathtaking over the Grand Canal.
Little did we know that Michael and Kym were in Venice.
So we set off after checking out the last of the paintings.
This one from Bernardo Strozzi was my Favorite of the Day.
So we caught up with Michael and Kym
The chances of being here at the same time would have been very unlikely but they were here at the same time and this was proof.
The beautiful Gnocchi was my Favorite.
On the way Big to the Car after saying goodbye we stopped to make sure we had something to snack on tomorrow on the way to Perugia