Italy - Day Two - Florence

Florence was only 1 hours drive from the hotel we were staying at.
The hotel was the worse of the hotels we were to stay at.
It was a converted Convent that needed a lot of money to get it back into top condition. 
So Florence was to be the target for today
One whole day in Florence.
we had 2 sets of prepaid tickets.
One set to thePalazzo Pitti
and the second to the Cathedral of Saint Maria del Fiore
We found a Carpark near the Porta San Fredonia
and Started walk toward the first Target
We slipped into church on the way
and saw a glimpse of what  Florence had to offer

Palazzo Pitti is the Art Gallery of the ages
The queue to get in was long just and that was for those with tickets
Inside you get to realize this is Palace that has been turned in an art museum 
with some very fine artwork on display
The gardens were on display but due to time, we didn't go in.
Today was a day with the tight schedule.
The crowds weren't too bad once we were inside.
The ceilings were an artwork of there own, so you had to look all around, side to side and up and down.
So it was a WOW place.
Ok, some of the artworks were just over the top
this one was not, this measure only 4cm across
Some of the artwork new to us. 
Some we had seen in magazines before.
This one we john the Baptist's head, was way more detailed than expected.
Some of the Artwork just blended into the features of the palace
Yes, and there was Porn as well.
But it was the amount that was on display
They just covered such a large range
This one had so much detail in it,
you could easily spend hours studying it.
There was even a display of costumes that  worn over the ages
This one was a Jennifer favorite
It belonged to Queen Victoria.
Once outside the sun was out, so we bolted for the next stop.
we slipped down the side alley, bad mistake, Jennifer saw a fabric shop and of course spend money
we got the see the great bridge called, Ponte Vecchio
we continued through the back street
and they seemed to go forever
when we suddenly popped out at the Cathedral
and suddenly the crowds were there too.
This is one of the most impressive
of the Cathedrals, we visited.
it was white with a lot of Sculptures on the side.
We found the Baptistery of St John
And we had fast track tickets, so we went in, we found a Gold spectacle.
The artwork was in such fine detail and it was all mosaic
it didn't have much in the way of seats
But it was WOW place.
Once outside again we had to
wait to go into the Cathedral
The doors were closed as it is only open in the afternoons
So we went off to the Cathedral Museum
this is where some of the fragile and damaged pieces from the cathedral are displayed
Some of the Silver is also on Display
this means big pieces of Silver
the sculptures at the front of the cathedral have all been bought into the museum. this is to protect them from the elements
Some of the sculptures from inside have also as they have had to be replaced
Some of the statues were only on display in the cathedral for a couple of years before they were removed.
outside the sun shone and the cathedral was about to open

we waiting in line for a half an hour and chatted to an American couple who were over for 5 days.
and I thought 10 days was too short.
the doors remained closed right up to the time it opened.
from the outside it was impressive
Inside was huge.
the ceiling details were painted by the masters.
statues were from the masters as well.
and the tower, well that was ornately decorated.
we walked passed the Palazzo Pazzi.
the queue to Micheal Anglo's "David" was miles long.
So we saw the replicas.
we slipped into the back door show and took some photo's before we were told NO PHOTO's
so we just started to explore Florence.
The street was for People only, No cars allowed
(Notice Jennifer with her bags of Fabric)
We found the bridge of Ponte Vecchio
This is basically a big jewelry store and lots of tourists
most just looking at the jewelry is very expensive.
after this, we decided it was time to head back to the car.
We aimed for the Basilica di Santo Spirito
This place was quiet in all the hum of Florence
The paintings were from the 14th century
In the courtyard, I saw a guy that looked just like my dad
relaxing in the sun and enjoying watching the people around.
It made me cry as Dad had been gone a year now.
It showed me that I missed him still.
The courtyard was a quiet graveyard to the Nuns that have served there.
Meanwhile, the Basilica was just another little building in a crowded city of Florence
back into the back streets of Florence we went wondering
As we tried to find the car.
and back tot he convet for a good night sleep
Venice Tomorrow.