Italy - Day One - Pisa

The Italy trip was a Long Way home.
London to Milan.
Milan to Rome, 
10 Days to Italy.
Then Rome to Hong Kong for 4 Days
before Hong Kong to Melbourne
So this is Italy
 We flew to Milan. Left Jennifers Luggage in Milan and then two hours later Flew to Rome. Easy, Yes, Air Alita left Jennifers Big case behind. 
So we arrived in Rome without one of the suitcases. But they said we could get it back the next day. So we got the Hire Car and headed North to the Target of the Day.
First was the Baptistery of San Giovanni at Pisa. this Round building is huge.
 we had pre-purchased the tickets in the UK. so we did have to wait for int he big queue for the other buildings
Inside the building, I was surprised by the size and plainness of the surrounding.
 There we no painting just some modest Sculptures. But it was the building that was the masterpiece
The stonework to produce  round building
So after this, we went to see the Cathedral,
When we arrived the Door was closed, this is how they control the number of the crowds. They close the door when it gets to full.
When numbers drop they open it again. But what a Door, craft copper door.
 The stonework on the outside was impressive, It was about 4:30 int he afternoon and the sun was still beating down on us.
Once inside the splendor of the Cathedral was for show.
 Wooden Ceilings that was craved
 Paintings by the master abounded
And the flow was marble tiles.
The alter was a showpiece as well 
Put the lot together and you have a major wonder.
It just seemed to fit nicely.
As for the windows, nothing flash but it let in enough light to show it off. 
Once we exited we went to the Campo Santo
"Elegant cemetery for famous Pisans set around a cloistered quadrangle with restored 1300s frescoes"
OK and Cemetry so you have gravestones, right?
Beautiful old art paintings on the wall.
The gravestones are made of tiles on the floor
and wall to wall artworks
the only green space was for contemplation
Some of the artwork had been affected by the weather
but it was the tile floor that caught the eye
Some were tiled and these were protected
but most were tiles.
The lawn was a large area which added tot he peaceful surroundings.
At one end there were gravestones but these were from the 1800's
Outside we set off to find the tower
yes, it has lean.
The crowds were not to bad.
The lean is very much noticed.
it is not a case of maybe. Yes, it leans.
It was now getting late and we decided to find 
somewhere for Dinner

We end up exploring some of the back streets and 
found a nice little restaurant. We were in Italy eating Italian food. Yum.