Northern France - Day Six - Leaving to head home

The Hotel we finally got too late the previous night was not that special.
It was a hotel chain and breakfast was expensive so we stopped at a bakery and had the usual sweet pastries for breakfast.
First stop was to the French National Cemetery for the first world war. at  
Notre Dame de Lorette, Ablain-Saint-Nazaire
also known as Ablain St.-Nazaire French Military Cemetery, is the world's largest French military cemetery
In total, the cemetery and ossuary hold the remains of more than 40,000 soldiers, as well as the ashes of many concentration camp victims
Next to it is the memorial
where there are over 178000 names of those who died in the Somme during WW1.
We went Hunting and found the Name SAYCE
And I found the Name Etherton
And the view of the valley below.
After this, we bolted for the Amsterdam Airport.
Where Jennifer was to spend to her last time in the KLM lounge.