Austria - Day Three - Sound of Music tour.

Today was a Special day.
Jennifer had wanted to do the "sound of Mucis Film tour"
It was going to take 5 hours
But we would get to see the sites and locations filmed.
We had already been to some in the Old Town area.
 This is the lake the Greta and Childern were singing on, and the fell in the water
 It basically a small lake, and the house was purely for show. they never went in.
 Nice home though, this is where they do the back yard scene with the baroness
We had to drive a bit to get the the Gazebo
 It is in a big park and the Tulips were in full flower.
Both Reds and Yellows
The road that Greta walked down singing to the house
 is still there and is now a bicycle track.
Even the front gate to the house is there, but they never went in this one as well.
The house scene are all on stage back in Hollyward.
On the Bus we got to sing songs and play with the goat from the goat herder scene.
Jennifer fell so much for the goat, 
I purchased her one to add to the Collection of soft toys.
 We got to drive passed the RED BULL headquarters
Finally after driving around the lake district
we made it Mondsee Church.
This is where Grate and the Captian got married
This was a Beautiful Church, the woodwork in it was on a new scale.
The Bus we travelled in was a large hybrid low bus, 
Ideal for tour groups in this area.
The lake district was wonderful as well.
This view was one we drove passed each day to get to the hotel.
 Mondsee is a small town in the middle of the Lake district
And it had beautiful view all the way around.
We finally made it make to Slazburg to tour the garden where the childern played.
Even got to sing on the DOE, RAY, ME steps witht he view
This finsihed the tour.
IT was few hours before the the Marrinoette show.
 So we went back into the town and explored some more.
Dinner was actually at a fancy Burger place.
Watch to McD's and BK if they go global.
Burgerista was well the meal.
The Marionette show had NO photo's so I got this one
of Jennifer waiting.