Italy Road Trip - The Big One

This was to be the Big Trip - Italy had been on the Hitlist for SO LONG, we wanted to it in Style and enjoy the journey without any worries. 
Day One We fly to Rome from London via transit in Milan. Then to Drive the Pisa and onto Pistoria
Day Two Drive to Florence and explore and drive back to Pistoria
Day Three, Drive to Venice through Bologna
Day Four, Explore Venice
Day Five, Drive to Rivenna and onto Perugia
Day Six, Assisi and onto Pompei
Day Seven, Explore Pompei
Day Eight, Drive to Rome, exploring Villa's on the Way, and Go to the Temple in Rome.
Day Nine, Explore the Vatican
Day Ten, Explore Old Rome and the Roman Forum.
Day Eleven. Prepare for the long Flight to HONG KONG through Bangkok on the way.