Day 4 London - Saturday the 8th - the Afternoon

Once on Piccadilly Road I found there was Horse Carriage rides,

But with real horse that looked the part, not like the nags in Melbourne

I took my time checking out shop and stopping for Food and drink.
Then checked out Burlington Arcade and the lanes on Old Bond Street
Then went to St James Chapel on Piccadilly Road
After that I need a Break.

so I went to Fortnum and Mason. Wow is that place special, and most of the goods are Not that outrageous. I have to take Jennifer there.
 hen a Slow walk up to Piccadilly Circus

The down Regrant Street and Waterloo Place
Photos’ up and down  The Mall. 
Through the Admiralty Arch
and into Trafalgar Square
I can see why so many people use this as a focal point of there Trips and Celebrations.
It was teaming with life and excitement.
I then proceeded to Walk up St Martins Lane 
There was even a shop that just had Cuff Links, Thousands of them.

Checked out Chine Town but returned back to St Martins Ln
Got to High Holborn

Walked up Museum Street to the British Museum 

Spent about 2 Hours browsing the Museum in the Egyptian Wing and decide Jennifer would like me if I spent to much time there
So left there and head down Bury Place back to High Holborn 
The headed down Drury Lane and turn left on to Long Acre
then down James Street to Convent Gardens
Purchased some more drink
Another place to take Jennifer
Then came out on Southhampton Street  and onto the Strand

I had Dinner at this point. Duck Curry and an Indian Vendor
At least I could sit down again

 Past the High Courts.

then cut down beside the Savoy onto the Riverside Terrace to get to the Middle Temple Gardens which were Closed 😔
so I found that a Lot of other thing were also closing.
So I cut up Milford Land back to the Stand

 I checked the bus App and stop I needed was at the Houghton Street for me to Catch the No1 bus Home. Most people travel by bus in the evening as the Tube is always PACKED to tight and you see more on the bus.