Wednesday - 12th Quiet day out of the Rain

The Day looked rather gloom with thick cloud on the Background
It was to rain, not a problem for me.

 But he view from London Bridge was grand, just grand.

Breakfast was from Pauls again at Bow Lane
Mushroom and Cheese Croque - Croque Forestier. This had the usual Cheese, Mushroom, Rocket and a Hint Walnuts
Fantastic. This was absolutely delicious. A repeater for sure.
 I also got to eat it at the pond outside the City Business Library next to the Guild Hall
Where if you look closely aYellow & Blue-Headed Wagtail was finding. 
 At Lunch time I found the St Dunstan of the West church.
Otherwise I spent most of the day in the Library pursuing agents...
 Dinner - I was hungry so I went into COCO De Mana on the Strand
There I got some Blue Cheese Carbonara and some olive focaccia bread.
The Carbonara was delicious, not to heavy on the Blue Cheese and not heavy on the light cream sauce. Just right mix.
The bread - Bad choice - most to the Pigeons next to the Thames

Just another in Crazy Vill.