Thursday 13th Oct - Happy Birthday Sam.

London woke up to a better looking outlook, but it quickly went back to rain.
 So I found a church called the St Mary Magdene 
 I actually walk past it regulall, but never realised it.
 Breakfast was a Panini from a little shop on Bow Street.
 At Guild Hall, once a month there is a food Market, or should I say Lunch market. So Lunch was a Chozio and red pepper Pie, while quarter of one.

Desert was a Spanish dounut that had read vanilla cream.
After yet another of very little call backs and not much else.
I decide to go hunting for another church.

 St Botolpe without Bishopgate. Again another church I have walked past and not realised it.
 Very quiet as No One was around. I sat for a while. and thought peace in London as you could her anything outside a knew there was a major road outside.
 windows were post-war as expected.
 Seat were hard wood. sitting on these for hours must have been painful.
 The back to brick, a beautiful red brick like at home. 
So Came out and right next door to some big Building.
 The Gerkin
And the Sring Centre.
But I found another Church tucked away behind them.
 St Olav on Hart Street.
 So on the way Home I walk passed the Tower of London again.