London Day 3

St James in Bermondsey is not far from where I'm staying, Jessis Burrigde was Baptised here in 1748.
The Burridges didn't live far away form it. Unfortunately the 1871 Census does not show the address clearly. 

Then onto St Botolph without Aldgate, this was again and beautiful church but I could not get in. 
Alice Pannifer - 1833 was Baptised here, 
Sarah Catling in 1822 was Buried here,
Edward Goulson was Married here to Ann Williams 
in 1796,
and Robert Etherton lived around here in 1850-1860.
I plan to go back to see if I can get in.

 Across London are numerous eat places, Basically they are European Fast Food, great healthy fast food like this one called EAT. . They blow McDonalds for six. The food is high quality and low fat.
Lunch was Egg Hot Pot with Greek Cheese, Chilies and herds.

 Of course as I walked to my next interview (which was cancelled at short notice) I passed the
Leadehall tower, but you need to keep your eye out for the little churches tucked away in the side street liek this in St Michaels Street.
 But also the views in the shop windows, this is an Italian Cafe ( that's I was to be taken too on  following Monday) that was row upon row of Fantastic looking European Hams.

Then back to Bank Station.

 Then making a Bee line up Guild Hall Library. in the basement of it is the City Business Library, this is my Base while in London.
After I had cleaned up my emails and Made my Calls 
(Yes Looking for Work is my Priority)

I went for a walk up to the north of Guild Hall and found London Wall

 And then the London Museum

Oh Jennifer would have loved it, Generally too Dark to dark Photo's and they ask you not to use your flash.
 On my walk I found the church of Bartholomew the Great.
Cute church again in a back alley.

Time to head home, so cut back past St Pauls.
for the Millennium Bridge

Past the Monument for the Firefighters during the Blitz
 Past the Globe Theater 
and onto Borough Market for Duck Confit for Dinner