Saturday 15th part 2

The plan was go to the Boleyn Tavern, But I fell asleep on the Number 25. This Bus goes to OXford Circus, So Oxford Circus is where I went.

 I walked along Oxford Street and Turned into Regent Street.
 I found Regent just full of Top end shops. So I took a detour in SOHO.
 First down Argyll Street
 Then down to Fouberts, The Lanes are all full of little shops. That are packed with tourists.
 Kingley Court came off Fouberts, and was small Eating places.  I was getting Hungry but I could wait.
 Looked down Carnaby Street.
 Cut through Many back streets
 form Kingley to Waldour Street
This is where I entered Chinatown.

 Enjoyed a Buffet Dinner for £9.50. And it was great.

 After this it was down to Trafalgar Square
 With the Lions still standing tall.
While a Festival for Africa was on.
 Stopped in on a Quite Sweet shop to buy a Lion Bar.
Before making my Way to the Thames Embankment again.
 Walking across the Hungerford Bridge and down towards the London Eye
 Where I found a very colorful carousel

 Of Course Big Ben is in Sight
 But it was the London Eye I came to find.
And end to a Long Day.