Quiet Week - Hunting for work.

So Monday was cold and so was Tuesday. Walked to the City Business Library and stayed put.
Boy! was it cold, the rain had set in.

So Wednesday opened up, Sun was out, but still cold.
I cleared my email and decided to hunt for one of Harrys pubs that,  "Horse and Dolphin"
it was in the City in the Soho area. So I decide to find it.
According to the map's it was just off Macclesfield Street. So after Lunch, I went hunting.
 After passing Seven Dial Monument and found it the Chinatown district
 When Harry sold it, the owner changed the hotel into the De Hems and it still exists. 

After that I dropped down to the National Art Gallary

  And went Hunting for more John Constable works
and found the Startford Mill painiting
 The more, I see of his work in detail, the more I'm liking him as an Artist.

 But coming out, I found myself in Trafalgar Square. 
So a Stayed and watch life for bit before heading
Before walking up the Strand home. Yes that's St Pauls.