Sunday 16th - A quiet Day with Rain.

 Across the Road from the Hyde Park Chapel for Church is the London Science Museum. SO I headed for the Aircraft.

 With Numerous Models on the development of Flight.
 But the Main show was the Real planes hanging or on the ground. Most you could touch.
 The Hurricane
 The Spitefire of Course
But I was here.. and the Rain had Stopped.
 So Hyde Park was ready visit.
Tufted Duck
White Swans
 Egyptian Geese
Great Crested Grebe
 and of course the Greylag Goose
 The Princess Diana Fountain Memorial

All around lake Serpintine, But it was Looking Like it was going to Rain Again.
 So Harrods I was off too.
 Amoungst all the department I decided that the food courts were where I wanted to be.
Lots of Cheese
 Lots of Pies.
 And exotic Meats, yes they had Kangaroo.
And the prices weren't that much more expensive then in other shops just very well presented.
So I thought What would Jennifer Like
 The book Store of course with so many books
But it had to be the Christmas Land, all the different decorations you can buy.
 And if Jennifer were here, I insist on the getting the Credit Card off her. 
Just so that I didn't need a container to be shipped back.
 But I was at Harrods, where I caught Bus Home.