Friday 14th October - end of week

Well on my way to the City Business Library - I have gotten into the habit of Passing through Bow Lane.
This little lane is basically all Food Shops including my favorite PAUL (this is a French bakery).
But today I wasn't hungry so a missed the food.
Lunch came and I was Hungry
So Off I went to Leather Lane Market
 So what did I get
A mixed Vegetarian Box, basically you're given a box and you fill it with whatever salad you want from a selection of about 30 different bowls.
Great light lunch. I'm still trying to lose weight and the past few days is catching with me.
At the end of the Day,  headed to the St Katherine dock area. This is Hermitage Basin
Spirit Quay is a long pond with lots of birds and expensive home overlooking it.
This is Shadwell Basin
and Lastly
 St Katherine Docks with its expensive Boats. if the boat is more than 100 years old, it gets a major discount. So you get a good mix of Barges and fancy yachts

 Based here is the Royal Barge ( fancy row boat Gloriana), it is used by School Rowing teams regularly, so that it gets out on the Thames regularly.
 But I spotted this old working boat on the Thames.